Yangtze's Famed Towers 江南名樓
Posted On Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at at 7:32 PM by AlvinYellow Crane Tower (湖北黃鶴樓)
黃鶴樓 - 崔顥
昔 人 已 乘 黃 鶴 去 , 此 地 空 餘 黃 鶴 樓 。
黃 鶴 一 去 不 復 返 , 白 雲 千 載 空 悠 悠 。
晴 川 歷 歷 漢 陽 樹 , 芳 草 萋 萋 鸚 鵡 洲 。
日 暮 鄉 關 何 處 是 , 煙 波 江 上 使 人 愁 。
We found Wuhan to be a huge and buzzling city with over 9 million residents but somehow the city had a welcoming persona and we had a very pleasant stay. We also ran into the Passage of the Olympic Torch Relay which caused a minor delay on our way to the peaceful East Lake (東湖).
Hunan Yue Yang Tower (湖南岳陽樓)
We moved on down South in to the Province of Hunan (湖南). In the friendly city of Yue Yang (岳陽), we spent a whole afternoon exploring the complex of Yue Yang Tower. The Tower was originally built as a naval tower where military officers oversaw the training of the Chinese navy on the lake shore of (洞庭湖). We had a relaxing time seeping tea from the nearby tea plantation (君山) which produces the famous tea - 君山銀針.