Weekends in Hong Kong

Having worked hard during the week, we usually spend our weekends relaxing at the GoldCoast Piazza. There are a number of restaurants and cafes at the Piazza but our favourite is an outdoor restaurant called Chilli N' Spice where we can relax with a ice cold beer with a view overlooking the South China Sea. In fact, when one of Mandy's friends from the U.K., Dave, showed up in HK, that was exactly where we took him. Mandy got to know Dave from their London days at the computing firm, CAP. Dave knows computing inside-out so he often gave Mandy a hand when she encountered problems with COBOL, PASCAL and such wonders. Don't ask me man, I have no idea how n can ever equal to n+1. Dave also came to see us in Frascati in 1994.
We visited many of the interesting parks in the New Territories like the Tai Po Waterfront Park (大埔海濱公園) which houses the Lookout Tower (回歸紀念塔) commemorating the 1997 Handover. We also tried to visit some unusual galleries during the weekends such as this one exhibiting a famous Chinese cartoon character (老夫子).

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