CRH To Guangzhou 廣州 - City Of The Ram (羊城) !

The journey on the China Railway High-Speed - CRH (高/快鐵) from Shenzhen (深圳) to Guangzhou (廣州) was very satisfying and enjoyable as it was fast, smooth, clean, lots of leg room and we have decided that this would be our preferred mode of transport from now on, when we visit China. There are at least 4 types of CRH models currently operating in the different parts of China and the one we took was CRH 1 with a maximum speed of 200km/hour. The journey was just over an hour and we were in the centre of Guangzhou - the capital of Guangdong province (廣東). We headed straight to the modern Metro and found a decent place to stay for this short trip near the busy pedestrianised streets of 上下九步行街 in the 荔灣 district. We had dinner at the famous old style restaurant (中華老字號) of 廣州酒家 which was a few blocks away from other 中華老字號 such as 陶陶居, 蓮香樓, 皇上皇. Known since time immemorial as the City Of The Ram (羊城) because of a famous legend about how the poor grounds and soils around the areas of Guangzhou were made fertilised by 5 compassionate gods, each riding a ram as they descended from the skies above and turned Guangzhou from un-cultivatable to rich lands as we know them now. Guangzhou is justly famous for its many beautiful parks commemorating the many local heroes and we visited 越秀公園, 烈士陵園, 三元里抗英遺址 and 黃花崗七十二烈士墓. On the second day, we took time out to climb up to the beautiful peaks of Bai Yun Shan (白雲山) which was about 15 km north of Guangzhou.

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