Sailing Down The Nile

On arrival from the overnight train from Cairo, we visited the Aswan Dam and the must-see sight of Abu Simbel, before boarding a Felucca to sail back down The Nile River. As the story went, Abu Simbel was completely transported, almost piece by piece, from the Upper Nile to make way for the building of the Aswan Dam, and was later accurately re-constructed and re-assembled, further down The Nile - impressive engineering !The Nile being the source of life for the Egyptians, was teeming with activities and we saw Nubians farmers, fishermen as well as children springboarding into The Nile - a picture coming straight out from ancient times ! The banks of the Nile were either covered with green oasis or the land was populated with interesting riverside towns, the houses looked primitive but very were well organised and clean. Here's Mandy with a few girls she met on the felucca !

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