Meeting Sloppy Joe In Key West

Flew over to Miami with the Delta Air Pass and were told by the nice Alamo guy "To avoid the possibility of getting robbed, do not stop your car when you get bumped from behind ...". Luckily we drove down to Key West and back without a bump. We passed The Everglades National Park along the way and were greeted with major humidity and scores of bugs; it's fun to begin with walking in the lush and green national park, but one's arms soon became quite tired after a while in trying to wave away the flying bugs.
We left bugland behind us and reached Key West and found a very relaxing town with an ultra laid back atmosphere. We took a catamaran trip out for a spot of snorkeling before returning the car in Miami. With its sunny weather and beautiful ocean scenary, this week spent in Florida gave us a good idea of why retired Americans flock to this State.

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