Camp Life In Belize

We crossed over to Belize and although lacking in Mayan cultures and temples, Belize offered us a chance to sample camp life in mozzie-filled swampy low lands ! I managed to put to good use our colorful hammock bought in Mexico and Mandy ventured out for a boat trip during a thunder storm with some travellers she met and yeh she ended up wet.Camp life in the Yucatan Peninsula was full of excitement and surprises. We enjoyed having our outdoor lunches by the blue sea; we forgot to zip up our tent and the sudden torrential down-pour completely soaked our clothes inside the tent; we slept through the nightly cries of the animal kingdom in the jungle and we survived the "very" basic communal toilets and showers in Palenque !

The trip was made all the more interesting as we met the virtual UN-full of fellow campsters; there was Graham from Oz, a seasoned traveller who had non-stop jokes coming out from him like a stand-up comedian; there were Rudi and Leaver from Belgium who enlightened us about the tales of how Rudi "paid" the extra "last-minute visa" for Leaver to cross the Congo border; there was Roger, a Malaysian who only had a single-entry Mexican visa and we had to leave him behind at the Guatemala border, poor chap and of course there was Wayne, a true hippy hailed from Leeds and was spending, quite likely, the rest of his life enjoying the balmy Mexican climate !

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