The Inca Trail To Machu Picchu

We flew in to a buzzling Lima where we sampled a Pisco Sour before an excellent dinner of Cerveche (raw local fish marinated with unions and vinegar) and beef steaks from Argentina. We fed ourselves well to get ready for the 3 days' gruelling Inca Trail. We passed "The Dead Woman Pass" on the second day before being rewarded with the dawn view of the awesome (hey man, couldn't really find a more suitable word) Machu Picchu !

The morning eeriness made us feel like we had gone back centuries when Machu Picchu had only just been abandoned and the last crow had flown; all that was left were ruins and memories of this once powerful and exotic empire back garden ! The first tourists began to arrive by train and Machu Picchu slowly changed into one of the world's most photographed and photogenic attractions. You started to think of those eternal questions "Who lived here ? Why did they leave ?", before being interrupted by your fellow Japanese, American visitors - "could you take one more photo for me please ?".

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