The Glittering Palace Of Mysore

With the news of the Tsunami (resulting from an earthquake in Aceh in Indonesia), causing disasters around the world, we have to change our plans for this trip in India. We were going to go full circle around Indian's South, but now we will spend a few more days in Mysore and fly off to Bangalore. We tried to stay happy and say a prayer for the world in our travels during this very sad event. We spent time in Mysore where we walked down (2 hours) from the Chamundi Hill, visited the city zoo and explored the Mysore Palace on a Sunday night when it was lit up like jewels.
India is a country of immense contrast, to say the least. Having seen the magnificent Mysore palace last night, we were greeted by the "local" and down-to-earth bus station for our bus up the Chamundi Hill ! Hey ! But take notice that we all QUEUED up !On the way down Chamundi Hill, we also bumped into one of the Hindu Goddesses - Goddess Of The Sacred Cow - Nandy and here is the photo we took with Nandy. The name of the photo, I hear you ask ? When Mandy Meets Nandy, of course !

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