The Man Himself – Meet Mr Java Man !

Solo, short for Surakarta is located about 60 km from Yogya and had long been a rival city state to Yogya; the train journey we took from Yogya only lasted for about an hour. Solo is equally famous for its many Batik merchandises depicting Wayang characters and we came across a few interesting examples. Solo itself has two Kratons but neither was very impressive and comparing to Yogya, Solo city had a greyness about it that did not entice us to stay too long. But the best was still to come.

Having visited his island, drank many cups of his coffee, looked in to his many heritage sites, we thought it was time to pay respect to The Man Himself – Java Man ! We took a short bus journey to Sangiran, 30 minutes from Solo and walked down the pleasant village of Sangiran where Java Man used to live. The museum was nothing to write home about but it felt good to visit the place where one of our great great great great ancestors once roamed, hunted, learnt to harness the power of fire and generally figuring things out (Sudoku not included) and developed his brains. A great day out !

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