A Slow Train From Hua Shan (華山站) To Luoyang (洛陽)

Having had a good overnight rest, we boarded the train from 華山站 to Luoyang (洛陽) - a.n.o.t.h.e.r. ancient Chinese capital. Hey Man, this IS central China - (中 原) where it all happened and dynasties came and went ! We were greeted on the train, as usual, by a compartment full of hungry passengers - each and everyone carrying their ration for their journey, which typically included the omnipresent giant cup noodles (the 康師傅杯面 brand of course), beverages with mouth-watering names such as vanilla and mango vitamin yogurt shakes and of course their own 1L hot water bottles ! Amongst our travels, we found that the Chinese trains had one supreme facility - an endless supply of hot drinking water located at the end of each compartment; and with that, the problem of fulfilling one's essential meals and drinks are solved - you could have your cup noodles (康師傅杯面) and Chinese teas to your heart's contents !

We reached Luoyang by lunch time and found Luoyang a pleasant city to stroll around for a few days (slowly) as we were still feeling the strains in our calves from the Hua Shan climb ! We did venture out to the famous rock carvings and Buddhists caves at Long Men (龍門石窟 ) the next day. The Buddha images and worshipping caves were constructed over successive dynasties dated almost 2,000 years back and the caves could be visited on both sides of the Yi River (伊河). These caves and sculptures were impressive and they reminded us of those we saw in Ajanta and Ellora in Western India as well as those in Dazu (大足).There was a also an interesting site nestled by the Yi River - the burial grounds of the famous poet and administrator of the Tang Dynasty 白居易 - 白園 (白居易墓). He spent much of his later years by the hills (香山) along the Yi River. It was also most interesting to note that there were many of his direct descendants from Korea and Japan (now all naturalised) paying tributes to their ancestor and they had contributed many stone tablets to commemorate this master poet. He wrote the following memorable lines (amongst many others) :





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