The Many Faces Of Lu Shan - 廬山真面目 !

The famous mountain range of Lu Shan (廬山) is located about an hour's bus journey from Jiu Jiang city (九江). During our stay in Lu Shan, we really experienced first hand of what made Lu Shan so special - its changeable weather ! We decided to stay for 3 nights at this beautiful mountain and we were based at the quaint town of Kuling (牯嶺 ). There had been many legends as to how this town was named - the funny one was that the British that gathered here to cool off from the furnace temperatures of Nan Chang (南昌) named the town : Cooling. Yeh right. Lu Shan during this time of the year - late Autumn, was a colorful patch work of different shades of red, yellow and green as the trees fought for our attention with their beautiful Autumn leaves; this mountain oozed an atmosphere of a big welcoming hug with these colors and its fresh mountain air. Our first two days were greeted with a soft Autumnal sun and we explored the many pretty forests, lakes and walkways such as 如琴湖, 蘆林湖, 仙人洞一滴泉, 石門澗懸索橋, 三叠泉, 植物園 and 含鄱口. We also had a long tea break after our visit to 三叠泉 waterfalls and sampled the famous local tea - 廬山雲霧茶; the tea shop owner told us that the tea leaves normally receive most of the moisture from the year-round fogs and mists which Lu Shan had been famous. We were surprised to hear that and found it difficult to imagine on this sunny blue day how Lu Shan could be foggy at all; this all changed on our last day. When we woke and looked out of the windows, we were greeted with the thickest fog I had ever come across (even including the London days) ! We could not see more than 3 meters away ! We went for a long walk and luckily we did not get too lost in this fog. Throughout the day, the fog and mist came and went very suddenly, say within 1 minute, ALL the fog would clear and we were left with such picturesque mountain and lake settings; then after just a few minutes of admiring the beauty, the fog would roll in and we would be back to extremely poor visibility again. This was such an interesting experience and Lu Shan really lived up to its reputation of never showing her many faces all at once - as the famous Sung Dynasty (北宋) poet 蘇軾 wrote during his visit to Lu Shan : 不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中。

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