Jinan (濟南) - City Of Springs And Fountains

Shandong (山東) had always been a front-running province in China in many aspects - sports, economy, history as well as tourism. The capital of Shandong - Jinan (濟南) had been well-known for its natural springs and fountains since ancient times. Jinan, being sandwiched between huge mountain ranges as well as unique underlying rock formations, had given rise to many natural springs around this lovely city. The most famous of all being Bao Tu Quan Spring (趵突泉). A sizable park had been set aside in the heart of Jinan which highlighted the Bao Tu Quan Spring. Also, one of the largest and most beautiful fountains in China could be found at the landmark of Jinan - 泉城廣場, where every hour, a gigantic show case of fountain power was on display to greet passers-by. Dai Ming Hu (大明湖) had been another piece of treasure in Jinan since years gone by. Poets, writers, leaders and generals had all left their marks at this lovely lake and what better ways to sum up this beautiful lake than the memorable lines: 四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖 !
We also took time (yeh ! busy day, man !) to see the Mountain of Thousand Buddhas (千佛山) on the southern edge of Jinan. We were greeted with a peaceful park housing the reclining Buddha, sitting Buddha, Buddhas Caves as well quite a hike up the top of this mountain with a magnificent view of this lovely Shandong capital !

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