Cooling Off On The Peak


I had lost count of the years since I last went up the famed Peak of Hong Kong and we could not have chosen a better day as the weather yesterday was a humid and stifling 33 C and what a better way to cool off ! The views from The Peak was as stunning as I had remembered; we tried to pick out the skyscrapers or landmarks where we used to work - Prince's Building in Central, AIA Tower in North Point, Shun Tak Towers at Sheung Wan, Hopewell Centre and Immigration Tower in Wan Chai etc. We circled around the Peak Walking Path for an hour amongst the green moss and cool refreshing air, as well as scaling up to the Austin Park for a hydration break and sampled the excellent and delightfully airy Park W.C. - Ha Ha ! We took the bus back down to sea level for a well-deserved tea break and it was only then that we realised how tranquil and peaceful it had been up The Peak as we were overwhelmed by the lunch time working crowds in buzzling Wan Chai ! Such a memorable day out.

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