Crossing The Croatian / Bosnian Boarder To The Picturesque Town Of Bihac

We said our fond farewell to the landlady, Ana early in the morning and caught the 810 A.M. (punctual as usual) bus at the head of the Rastovaca village and crossed the border into Bosnia Herzegovina territories - our destination being the lovely riverside town of Bihac. Crossing over was just formalities and our bus driver was one jolly fellow who would become our SAME driver for our journeys in these parts of the world. I called him Driver Adios as he kept saying goodbye to us in Spanish but we would later board his bus again back to Croatia ! What a small world ! Bihac was blessedly tranquil and incredibly picturesque with the Una River as its centrepiece. The most interesting fact was that we came by a number of mosques for the first time during this trip and we knew that unlike the past few weeks, we had entered a co-religion country with Christians and Muslims all noticeably visible in town. 

We walked along the River Una for a few hours, passing weekend fishermen casting their lines, a few lonely men sharing a bottle of (wake-up) wine and we spent time admiring the gushing mini-waterfalls amongst the river locks and barges and we later headed into the main squares and what did we find ? More outdoor cafes and ice-cream parlours decked out on the sunny day and the local residents relaxing over a cup of morning coffee, chatting amongst themselves about the weather and the topics of the day, as well as housewives going about their shoppings for the family dinners. Just a very relaxing and peaceful experience strolling around this town and we would be mighty proud if our town had a river like Una - emerald green, crystal clear and the residents conscientiously kept it clean that way !

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